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Welcome to the Multi-Contact USA "Plug-n-Play" Photovoltaic Connector System Certification Program.

This page will allow you to download the instructional video and fill out the subsequent test needed to receive a certificate issued in your name stating that you are officially certified to assemble and install Multi-Contact "Plug-n-Play" photovoltaic connector systems. This certificate is required by Multi-Contact in order to assure that proper techniques and equipment are used for the "Plug-n-Play" photovoltaic connector system, and that adherence to UL specifications is maintained.

The MC-3 video can be downloaded in either low or high resolution, just as the MC-4 video low or high, depending on your internet connection speed. You may request a super-high resolution copy in CD form by contacting Multi-Contact USA headquarters.

To complete the certification program, complete the following steps:

  1. Download or order the video and view it in its entirety. Feel free to view the video as many times as needed in order to learn all of the information provided in it.
  2. View the assembly instructions for the connectors and tools you are planning to use. Study the instructions thoroughly.
    Assembly Instructions
    PV-WZ3 MA207/US01 MA207/US01 - -
    PV-WZ3/III MA207/US01 MA207/US01 MA207/US01 MA207/US01
    PV-RWZ MA207 MA207 MA207 MA207
  3. Take the online test by filling out our questionnaire. If you fail the test, you will be asked to restart the certification process.

After submitting a passing test, you will be issued an official certificate in your name. Make sure to either safe or print your certificate. Multi-Contact USA will keep an official record of all persons who have successfully completed the test. Only these individuals or their companies will be allowed to purchase "Plug-n-Play" solar connector components.